Student life is full of discounts – make sure you make the most of it! Take a look at which student card could get you discounts – maybe Totum (formally NUS) or Young Scots? Some places will even give you a student discount simply by showing your university ID.
There are also websites devoted to making sure you get the best deal possible – try UniDays, Savethestudent, Studentbeans or studentmoneysaver
If you enjoy shopping online – make sure you add Honey to your browser. This automatically finds and applies discount codes for your purchases.
No discounts available? You could still be getting money back for your purchase. Get a percentage of your spends back for your rail travel, clothes, amazon purchases and more at either Quidco or TopCashBack.
Getting a discount is great, but only buy something if you normally would. Don’t buy things simply because they are on offer.
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