You get a P45 from your employer when you stop working for them. It’s a record of pay and the tax that’s been deducted from it so far in the tax year. It shows:
- tax code and PAYE (Pay As You Earn) reference number
- National Insurance number
- leaving date
- earnings in the tax year
- how much tax was deducted from earnings
A P45 has four parts – Part 1, Part 1A, Part 2 and Part 3. The employer sends Part 1 to HMRC and gives you the other three. When you start a new job, or claim Jobseeker’s Allowance, you give Part 2 and Part 3 to your new employer or to the Jobcentre. Keep the remaining one – Part 1A – for your records.
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If you don’t have a P45 because, for example, you’re starting your first job or taking on a second job without giving up their other one, the new employer will give you a form P46 to complete. It contains important information that affects the amount of tax they’ll pay, such as whether:
- this is your first job
- you’ve been claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance
- you’ve got another job
- you’re paying off a student loan
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A summary of pay and the tax that’s been deducted from you in the tax year. Your employer should give you a P60 to keep as a record at the end of every tax year (which runs from 6 April to 5 April the next year). If you don’t get one you should ask – you’re entitled to it by law if still working for the employer at 5 April.
You might need it to:
- complete a Self-Assessment tax return
- claim back any tax overpaid
- apply for tax credits
You may also need it as proof of income for a loan or a mortgage – so it’s important to keep all P60s safe.
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Your employer uses a P11D to tell HMRC about the value of any ‘benefits in kind’ they’ve given you during the tax year. This means benefits or expenses that effectively increase your income, like:
- a company car
- private medical insurance
- interest free loans
The employer will only declare them if you have earned at least £8,500 in the year, including the value of the benefits. They will work out how much each benefit is worth, record it on the form and send it to HMRC. They’ll also give you a copy, which you’ll need for your records or if you complete a tax return.