Full Time (FT) vs Part Time (PT)
VIDEO- Watch this video below to find out the differences between FT and PT contracts.
Adult working hours
You can’t work more than 48 hours a week on average – normally averaged over 17 weeks. This law is sometimes called the ‘working time directive’ or ‘working time regulations’.
You can choose to work more by opting out of the 48-hour week.
You may have to work more than 48 hours a week on average if you work in a job:
· where 24-hour staffing is required
· in the armed forces, emergency services or police
· in security and surveillance
· as a domestic servant in a private household
· where working time is not measured and you’re in control, eg you’re a managing executive with control over your decisions
If you have more than one job
Your combined working hours shouldn’t be more than 48 hours a week on average.
If you work more than 48 hours on average, you can either:
· sign an opt-out agreement
· reduce your hours to meet the 48-hour limit
You can opt out for a certain period or indefinitely. It must be voluntary and in writing, signed and dated. You can cancel your opt-out agreement whenever you want – even if it’s part of your employment contract. You must give your employer at least 7 days’ notice. You may have to give more notice (up to 3 months) if you have a written opt-out agreement.
Zero hour contracts
Zero hour contracts are also known as casual contracts. Zero hour contracts are usually for ‘piece work’ or ‘on call’ work, eg interpreters.
This means:
· you are on call to work when you need them
· you don’t have to be given work
· you don’t have to do work when asked
Zero hour workers are entitled to statutory annual leave and the National Minimum Wage in the same way as regular workers.