Student Loans
- Student finance guide,
Everything you need to know about the new Student Finance system in England. There’s a repayment calculator.
- Student finance application form,
There used to be a separate website but students now apply through the main website.
- Student finance calculator,
This calculator allows students to estimate how much they will get in living cost loans and grants. It is a useful tool for students who want to estimate how much government support they could receive in the future.
- European Funding Guide
Looking to study in the EU? This website will give you information regarding scholarship opportunities, grants and bursaries. Additionally it provides financing tips!
- Student finance YouTube channel,
Lots of short videos on different aspects of student finance- especially useful on specific needs e.g. Disabled Student’s Allowance
This is the main application site for entrance to university but it also has a comprehensive section on student finance along with course information.
- Money Advice Service,
Good section on repaying student loans, also covers student bank accounts and budgeting.
- Student Loan Repayment calculator,
Handy tool that gives a rough estimate of how much a student is likely to repay based on their likely starting salary.
- Tax Guide for Students,
Comprehensive site on everything related to students and tax including working and loan repayments.
Grants, Bursaries and Scholarships
- Uni Grants UK-
Lists grants available by subject and location. It also has a section on student bank accounts and overdrafts.
- Scholarships Hub–
Social enterprise committed to reinvesting a minimum of 50% profits back into developing new scholarships for UK students. It has a regularly updated database of scholarships,grants and bursaries as well as a guide and tips for applying.
- Scholarship Search-
Comprehensive resource for UK student funding from Hardship Funds & Grants to Bursaries, Awards & Academic Scholarships. You can search by institution, scholarship type and level.
- Student Cashpoint-
Search to find the grants/scholarships/bursaries you need to get you through uni
- Family Action-
Family Action distributes educational grants for families in poverty
- Careleavers-
Money information for care leavers including specific information on support available from local authority.
General Money Advice for Students
- Money Manual,
The Money Charity’s Manual for Students – includes borrowing, saving and making a budget.
- Brightside,
A range of student finance resources including a student calculator for budgeting and a virtual avatar game called ‘Student Survivor’.
- Student Bank Accounts-
Money Saving Expert’s guide to student bank accounts
- Save the Student!,
Student money website with a comprehensive guide on student finance. It also has sections on banking and budgeting, saving money, making money and general areas of student life such as housing, shopping and utilities.
Advice/information on student life
- Student Room-
Online student community- students give their own opinions so it’s not always the most reliable sources of advice.
- Studential-
University application advice including exemplar Personal Statements. It also has sections on apprenticeships and the armed forces.
- Push,
The ins and outs of student life. The figures on there are out of date but good general information.
- The Complete University Guide,
Comprehensive pre-university information including information on clearing and graduate employers.
- Students and Money Survey,
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Survey of student attitudes to spending and earning money represented by infographics.